Raising awareness about the new functionality of the SCIROCCO Tool

The B3 Action Group on Integrated Care of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) brought together the members of the Action Group for the face-to-face meeting on 16 May 2018 in Brussels. The objective of the meeting was to raise awareness about the progress of the B3 Action Group activities, including the development of the Maturity Model and its online self-assessment tool.

The Action Group meeting was a unique opportunity for SCIROCCO to feature a new functionality of the Tool for the assessment of Good Practices. The objective of the assessment process is to identify the maturity requirements of a particular Good Practice that are required for its adoption and transferability. The outcomes of the assessment process should therefore facilitate a better understanding and classification of existing evidence on integrated care.

The detailed methodology and process for the application of the Tool was outlined, including a practical example and experience of the Basque Country using the Tool to assess the requirements necessary for the implementation and transferability of the Pain Clinic Good Practice. For more information about the Good Practice https://www.scirocco-project.eu/basque-country-b2-transversal-approach-of-the-pain-from-a-pain-unit/

An illustrative demo video on how to apply the SCIROCCO tool for the assessment of good practices was also developed and can be accessed here https://www.scirocco-project.eu/maturity-model-in-practice-scirocco-assessment-tool/

The full presentation from the meeting can be accessed here.

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