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Improved management of visits in Home Care

Summary of the good practice:

The practice includes Home Care services for patients within the region of Prague Capital. The Home Care Centre is a department of the Sisters of Mercy of St. Borromeo Hospital in Prague (Nemocnice Milosrdných sester sv. Karla Boromejského). The general objective is providing the medical care at the homes of patients. Specifically, it is concentrated on nursing care, i.e. treatment of wounds, application of infusion, injections, wound dressing, treatment of pain and others.

The nurses are visiting the patients according to the indication of medical doctor and in cooperation with him. Management of visits in Home Care (HC) is improved by ICT solution called IMACHECK. The First step of the innovation is implemented (identification of nurse visits); second step is under development in Autumn 2016 – distribution of scenarios for individualized home care and patient data collection (reporting). The ultimate goal is to improve services in homecare by digital processing of routine operations in homecare.

The transferable experience at current stage of the practice could be electronic evidence of visits at the patients and their time management.


Challenge addressed by the good practice

Identification of the nurse visit in specific time period in patient’s home. The use of electronic tools during the visit and transfer the data from visits into Hospital Information System (HIS) introduces accuracy in this identification. Android Mobile phones or tablet with NFC were selected as suitable technological solution and the system was developed by a local ICT company in Prague (IMA).

Key innovative elements of the good practice

Electronic evidence of visits has improved the survey and control of the Home Care manager about nurses and their visits, enables manager operatively and reasonably manage the nurses in the locations of Prague a respond to urgently medical needs of patients. Help to improve the quality of care of patients. When a patient is scheduled for homecare, he receives a NFC identifier (smart card). The nurse coming to visit has a NFC enabled smartphone as a reader of the identification from patient’s card. Smartphone serves as a gateway for the identification data that are sent to the central server in the hospital where the ID with time stamp is assigned to respective patient’s record. Further extension of the practice is already under development and it should include electronic recordings of the visits.

Full Scirocco information on the good practice

SciroccoGP-Olumouc-2-Improved-Management-of-Visits-in-Home-Care.pdf [PDF]

Publications and reports on the good practice


Contact point: Mgr. Šárka Šlégrová, Manager of Home Care;

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